Sunday, March 08, 2009


This morning I saw this strange message on a church marquee that I passed on my way to get coffee:

"Don't tell God about your problems. Tell your problems about God!"

I've tossed this around all day and I don't think it makes a lick of sense. If this "First Christian Church (of God, in Christ, or Whatever)" is trying to mess with the heads of passers-by with stupid logic and senseless wordplay, then they've succeeded.


SC said...

Up from my house about a mile in Cincinnati, there is an ex-Ponderosa building that is now a church. On its marquee: "Try Jesus." Every time we drive by, my girlfriend says, "It's delicious."

Anonymous said...

This one's gonna bother me, Jack. Like, theodicy? A problem about God and evil? And if I ask that question, will God answer me?

JHitts said...

Another one, from today on the back of a semi:

"His name isn't the man UPSTAIRS [caps theirs], his name is JESUS, the WORD OF GOD!"