Tuesday, May 13, 2008

There can be only one

I enjoy the fact that these commercials for the NBA Playoffs are so good and so popular (according to this article, they're directed by the same guys who directed Little Miss Sunshine) that now Time
has taken to ripping them off.

T-Mac/ Rip:

B-Rock/ H-Rod:

My only problem is, I have yet to see one with a Pistons player on the television. I mean, today I saw one that featured Peja freakin' Stojakavic! The man's first language isn't even English! I wanna see one that shows a split screen of 'Sheed with, say...Ben Wallace. That'd be pretty fucking sweet. It will never happen, seeing as how 'Sheed hates everyone (and the media doesn't like talking about the Pistons...the other day Sportscenter had 15 mins of Lakers/ Jazz coverage and maybe 5 of Pistons/ Magic).

I plan on posting on here more often. More literary things, perhaps. I just keep getting lazy. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

It's all listed under Tinhorn Prayers. So, the first post is French Quarter, Urban Youths, Stitches... and so on.

All my novel postings will be filed exclusively under "Tinhorn Prayers" as it is the title of my novel.

Anonymous said...

I changed my domain to http://hazrod.wordpress.com