Monday, July 03, 2006

An American Tragedy


luke said...

Where'd you get this? it seems very...fake.

JHitts said...

Woah, Luke, fake? You kidding me? I never woulda guessed...

luke said...

Sorry, my bad. I didn't mean to comment on the actual realness of the poster, but rather I meant to question the skill with which said fake poster was constructed. Being that the goal of a parody poster is to be real enough to be believed on one level (in order for the viewer to place the object in it's "proper" context (timeframe, genre, etc))

This poster, on the other hand, seems to have been designed so carelessly that something as simple as a font change would have given it that little contextual adherence needed to keep the average layman from staring at it thinking, "What, wait, what?"

I actually asked where you got it because it seemed so shoddily cobbled that I thought you might have made it.

JHitts said...

Seeing as I have no skill on Photoshop or any such program whatsoever, no, I did not construct the poster. But at the same time, yes, I can understand how, with a few tweaks, it could look more "authentic" (as much as one of these things can look). Maybe black and white rather than color, a font change, or even one of those effects to make it look older, like crumpling it up and burning off the edges like in 6th grade when people have to do the project where they make a newspaper from like 1776 or something and make it look real.

Regardless, I still thought it was humorous, so quit being an asshole and let me have my fun.

Anonymous said...

You guys are so boring.